Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cows . . .

For those of you who know me you know I cook.

A lot.

Like, more than most people a lot.

Every week I make breakfast, lunch and dinner. From scratch basically, and in very large quantities, seven days a week. That's 21 meals. Although most times I am making extra things in between.

When I became pregnant the second time we had a major talk about budget. Especially since I was having a boy. (Although I fully believe that the old adage 'Boys eat more' isn't true. Have dinner with my little girl and you will be amazed.)

Four years ago we began buying our beef and some pork and lamb from a local farm. They specialize in grass fed meat. Only grass fed. These animals aren't grain finished at all. Every couple months we visit our friends and walk away with 30-40 pounds of meat. I get a really good deal and they are wonderful people.

Taking Peanut to the farm was odd at first, all I kept thinking was 'Oh hey! There's the cow Momma and Daddy are gonna feed you.' But in all honesty she's really too young to understand and she loves the farm and all of its animals. (We do indeed own Little People Farm things and they are a favorite over here)

This past weekend we made our regular trip out to the farm. It was really exciting because we were taking the little guy and our friends were really excited to meet him. Peanut was even more aware and it was a fun time.

Until they dropped a bomb.

No more cattle. They are switching to lamb. Umm Hello? What?

I was devastated. At first I thought it was a joke. Then I went into overdrive. Racking my brain to think where else we could buy meat and cheap. And oh no did I need another freezer? When would we come back and just catch up? My little girl loved to visit. I was on the verge of a panic attack.

However I pulled it together and we worked out a plan.

I found another cattle company. While the cost up front is more, in the long run it will be better. I now have 3 months to figure out how to store 225 pounds of beef. Doesn't that sound thrilling?

Why go thru all of this though? What is the benefit you ask?

So many things.

We are a grain, dairy and processed sugar free household. Well for the most part. There are somethings we slack on but quality beef, fruits and veggies are not on the list. We follow a Paleo eating habit and honestly after the initial shock it was cheaper and very easy to follow. I make a ton of things from scratch. And I am always looking for ways to convert a recipe.

The health benefits have been an added bonus. I have lost weight and kept it off. Came off of all my medication. The husband no longer has the allergies he had and he is able to work out like a mad man. Our oldest is 17 months old and has only been sick twice. Both times were colds. She loves to eat whatever we are eating and there is no fighting at the dinner table.

While shopping does take longer, its okay. I read every label - unless I buy that item on a regular basis - but I know what I am buying. And I plan my meals before I hit the store so I'm not over buying or spending too much time there.

Some people don't agree with how we eat or how we are raising our children but it works for us. All it takes is a little bit of time and effort. And honestly Peanut is a smart, happy and healthy baby and her parents are healthy too.

In the end isn't that all that matters?

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